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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I need to sign a contract?
A. No, we will do the same continuous service every year until you tell us differently.
If you prefer not to have continuous service, we will send you a letter every January with different lawn care options.

Q. Do I need to be home when you service my lawn?
A. No. When we spray your lawn we will leave a HLS marker in the front yard, We will also leave your bill on your door. If you would like to be called ahead of time before an application, just notify our office or tell our lawn technician.

Q. How often do you treat my lawn?
A. Approximately every 6 weeks depending on weather conditions

Q. Will rain effect the application?
A.  Rain actually helps the fertilizer, insecticide and crabgrass preventors by being washed in. If these products are not watered in, they will not work. When these products are applied, they should be watered in within seven days. Broadleaf weed control should be on the turf for four hours before rainfall or irrigation. If it rains within four hours of our application, and the weeds aren’t dying after two weeks, call us and we will re-spray the weeds at no charge.

Q. How do I pay my lawn service bill?
A. An invoice with a return envelope is left on your door after each application. Payment is due when you receive the invoice. You can also pay your bill over the phone or convenientley online at Our credit policy is NO PAY – NO SPRAY. We also offer a pre-payment plan January thru March 1st. Pre-Pay for your services and enjoy the benefits of being a V.I.P Customer.

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