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Our Services

Weed Control

Maintaining a dense, vigorous turf is the best weed control. Weeds compete with turf grass for water, light and mineral nutrients. Our treatment program provide a balanced approach of preventing weeds, fertilization to promote growth, and soil adjustment to optimize nutrient uptake.

Insect and Disease Control

Whether your lawn is suffering from disease damage, insect damage, or something else, it is very likely related to moisture. Insects and diseases can attack your lawn if the proper conditions exist and your lawn is otherwise stressed.


Lawn aeration is the secret weapon in making your lawn healthy. By aerating your lawn you provide the following benefits to your lawn and its root system

  • Oxygen gets to the roots and the soil allowing it to "breathe"

  • Water is able to better soak the soil and reach the root system

  • Tight, compacted soil is loosened up allowing the root system to grow

 We Also Do

Lawn Care Estimates  // Lawn Analysis  // Professional  // Lawn Care Tips // 7 Lawn Care Applications

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